Providing quality education in emerging fields to produce knowledgeable and cultured human resource, contributing to the process of national development.
- Upliftment of rural masses through appropriate education.
- To empower the socially,economically and educationally marginalized sections of the rural society of the region,
- To augment a new generation of students for contributing to the future knowledge society
- To select, acquire, preserve and disseminate relevant and latest information.
- To Supply the latest information to all specialties in their respective field.
- To issue and retrieve books and other relevant material on notice boards.
- To assist users to access information on World Wide Web.
- To provide information communication transmission service to all user.
- Students should produce their identity card as and when demanded by the library staff.
- While entering in the central library or Reading hall Reader must show their I Card to the user tracking computerized system.
- Keep your belonging at property counter while entering in the library.
- Student should check the books before issuing. If you find any deficiency show it to the staff & take the signature.
- Writing / scribbling on or tearing of pages of library books, news papers, periodicals etc, is prohibited & will be liable for strict action.
- All the books of library must be returned before annual examination.
- Book Bank facility is available for economically backward students as well as to scholar students.
- Students must keep silence in the library & reading hall.
- Duplicate I Card will be issued on extra charge of Rs. 50/-.
- If the reader is having any suggestion, he / she can directly meet to the Librarian or use suggestion box.
- The students must return the books within 7 days; however they can return it before the date & take another book.
- Fine of Rs. 1.00 will be imposed for late return books per day per book.
- A fine of Rs. 5/- per day will be charged on late return of books issued on Identity card for reading in reading hall.
- Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited inside the library.
Special Features of Library
Sr.No. | Special Feature of Library |
1 | Book Bank Facility |
2 | Competitive Examination Book Section |
3 | KOHA software ,fully computerized online issue and return with barcode facility |
4 | Web-OPAC |
5 | Dr.Abdul Kalam Library Section |
6 | Membership for N-List database |
7 | Interlibrary Loan Facility With other Sister Institute |
8 | Internet Facility |
Library Advisory Committee
Sr.No. | Name of Member | Designation |
1 | Prof. (Dr.) Shivaji S. Pandit | Chairman |
2 | Dr. Vijay J. Shinde | Member |
3 | Ms. Madhuri R. Jejurkar | Member |
4 | Mr. Adinath G. Darandale | Secretary |
Library Staff
Sr.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification | Telephone | Photo | |
1 | Mr.Adinath Gopinath Darandale View Profile |
Librarian | B.Sc.M.Lib.I.Sc. SET,NET | 9730675127/ 8830595700 | | ![]() |
2 | Mr.Mahanand Gopinath Damale | Library Attendent | B.A. | 7822832018 | -- | ![]() |
Library Hours
Section | Day | Timing |
Central Library | Monday To Saturday | 9.00 am To 5.00 pm |
Reading Hall | Monday To Saturday | 9.00 am To 5.00 pm |
During Exam Period | ||
Central Library | Monday To Saturday | 9.00 am To 6.00 pm |
Reading Hall | Monday To Saturday | 9.00 am To 6.00 pm |
Sections in Library
Sr.No. | Name of Section |
1 | Student Reading |
2 | Staff Reading |
3 | Stack |
4 | E-Library |
Library at a Glance
Sr.No. | Library Resources | Number |
1. | Total Books | 20922 |
2. | Reference Books | 5982 |
3. | Text Books | 14940 |
4. | Under Graduate Books | 12411 |
5. | Post Graduate Books | 1942 |
6. | Gifted Books | 705 |
7. | Book Purchased Under Research Project | 398 |
8. | Book Bank Books | 5262 |
9. | Kalam Library Books | 204 |
10. | Online Databases N-List E-Books E-Journals |
1,99,536 6150 |
11. | DELNET (Full-Text E-Journals, E-Books & E-articles,Institutional Repository Content) | 1,59,51,791 |
12. | Audio Visual Aids | 75 |
13. | Journals & Magazines | 16 |
14. | News Papers | 08 |
15 | Name of Library Software | KOHA |
16. | Classification Scheme | D.C.C. |
17. | Library User Students Staff |
538 80 |
18. | Library User Librarian Library Attendent |
01 01 |
Membership Rules
- Membership will be given to admit students in college after submission of library membership form in library.
- Library membership for students will be valid for only one academic year, for next academic year need to submit new membership form.
- All the students and staff shall sign in the gate register at the entrance of library.
- Deposit your personal belonging at the property counter.
- Members are not allowed to borrow book on account of another member.
- Book bank facility will be providing to economically poor and needy students for available sets of book.
- If book lost, fine shall be charged along with price of book.
Library Services
Sr.No. | Name of Service |
1. | Circulation of Books & Journals. |
2. | Reference and Referral Service. | >
3. | Reprography |
4. | Bibliography. |
5. | Current Awareness Service |
6. | News Paper Clipping |
7. | Internet Browsing. |
8. | Interlibrary Loan. |
9. | Web OPAC. |
10. | Book Bank Facility, |
11. | Audio Visual Aids Facility. |
12. | Information Literacy Programme |
13. | User Orientation and awareness |
14. | Information deployment and notification |