Statutory Cells / Committees

Committee for SC/ST: A.Y. 2023-24

S.N. Name of the Faculty / Staff Designation Mobile Number
1. Prof. (Dr.) P.M. Dongre Chairman 8369831994
2. Dr. A. N. Kedare Coordinator 9921772483
3. Mr. D.N. Ghane Member 9272348867
4. Ms. A.C. Salunke Member 9139500997
5. Ms. S. R. Gulve Member 9860086629


  1. To enhance the social and educational status of SC/ST students, enabling their integration into mainstream society.
  2. To provide counseling and guidance to SC/ST students, assisting them in effectively managing academic and personal challenges.
  3. To cultivate a safe and secure environment where all SC/ST students feel supported.
  4. To offer prompt counseling for any emotional emergencies arising from campus events or personal circumstances.
  5. To establish mechanisms for redressing grievances of SC/ST students.
  6. To ensure protection and reservation as mandated by the Constitution of India.
  7. To facilitate special opportunities for career advancement of SC/ST students.
  8. To raise awareness among SC/ST students regarding various scholarship programs offered by the State Government and UGC.
  9. To undertake follow-up measures to achieve objectives and targets outlined by the Government of India, UGC, and other relevant authorities.


  1. To gather circulars and updated information regarding State Government and UGC directives concerning the education and employment of SC/ST students.
  2. To disseminate State Government and UGC decisions regarding different scholarship programs.
  3. To engage with students and motivate them for future planning.
  4. To function as a Grievance Redressal Cell for SC/ST students, providing necessary assistance in resolving academic and career-related issues.

Minority Cell: A.Y. 2023-24

Name of the Faculty / Staff Designation Mobile No.
Prof. (Dr.) P.M. Dongre Chairman 8369831994
Ms. S. A. Muntode Coordinator 9767286948
Dr. A. N. Kedare Member 9921772483
Mr. A.G. Darandale Member 8830595700
Mr. M.E. Wani Member 9823355404
Ms. A.C. Salunke Member 9139500997
Mr. A.S. Gagare Member 9860188410
Mr. R.K. Pote Member 8421175250


  • To ensure equal opportunities for education of minorities
  • To facilitate financial support to students from these communities from governmental agencies and other sources
  • To make the minority students aware of the various scholarships schemes of the Central and State Governments.
  • To encourage these students to enroll for courses, workshops, programs, etc. which the College offers students in an attempt to equip them with the skills needed for their careers
  • To provide these students with a grievance redressal mechanism in addition to the regular redressal mechanism

Functions and Activities:

  • To collect reports and information of Government of Maharashtra and UGC’s orders on various aspects of education, employment of minority students
  • To publicize the various Central and State Government scholarship schemes and any updates in these matters
  • To coordinate with other College Cells and Committees such as the Mentoring Cell, Placement Cell, Students’ Council, Sports Council, Cultural Council, etc. and ensure that students from minority communities participate in their activities
  • To coordinate with Programme Coordinators, Department Heads and the Mentoring Council to identify students from these communities who need special assistance such as remedial classes and bridge courses, as well as those who are advanced learners and could be given extra attention and guidance

Minority Cell Composition:

The Minority Cell will comprise the following members:

  • Two faculty members, at least one of whom will be from a Minority community
  • One of the faculty members will be the Chairperson of the Cell
  • College Librarian
  • College Director of Physical Education & Sports
  • Head Clerk
  • Nodal Officer dealing with Scholarships for students from the Minority community

Grievance Redressal Committee: A.Y. 2023-24

S.N. Name of the Faculty / Staff Designation Mobile No.
1. Prof. (Dr.) P.M. Dongre Chairman 8369831994
2. Ms. S. A. Muntode Coordinator 9767286948
3. Dr. J. R. Singar Member 9860843187
4. Mr. A. N. Khaire Member 8788644978
5. Mr. D. N. Ghane Member 9272348867
6. Ms. S. R. Gulve Member 9860086629

Grievance Redressal Cell

The Grievance Redressal Cell at ACS College, Satral, serves to foster a congenial academic and working environment for all students. Any student can approach the Grievance Redressal Cell and submit their grievances in writing to the coordinator of the Students Grievance Redressal Cell.


  • To establish a fair, impartial, and consistent mechanism for addressing various issues faced by students.
  • To develop an organizational framework for resolving student grievances.
  • To cultivate a responsive and accountable attitude among all students, thereby fostering a harmonious campus atmosphere.
  • To ensure prompt, neutral, sensitive, and confidential resolution of grievances.
  • To provide students with immediate, hassle-free recourse to address their grievances.


  • To receive written applications from students individually through suggestion boxes placed within the college premises.
  • To review the received applications and, if necessary, conduct in-person hearings with the students.
  • To offer oral advice to students whenever applicable to resolve grievances.
  • To settle disputes satisfactorily and report them to the Principal.
  • To submit a general report of grievances to the Principal for appropriate action.

Internal Complaint Committee: A.Y. 2023-24

Sr.No. Name of Member Designation Contact
1. Prof. (Dr.) Prabhakar Manikrao Dongre Chairman 8369831994
2. Dr. Jayashree Ramrao Singar Coordinator 9860843187
3. Ms. Rupali Kailas Londhe Invitee Member 9960408899
4. Adv. Appasaheb Karbhari Dighe Invitee Member 9822040872
5. Ms. Ashwini Changdev Salunke Member 9970012535
6. Ms. Priyanka Ananta Tambe Member 8805127675
7. Ms. Sonali Anil Muntode Member 9767286948
8. Ms. Poonam Arvind Galande Member 9527037474
9. Ms. Priyanka Ashok Gagare Member 7219697049
10. Ms. Dipti Dilip Agarkar Member 9168578956
11. Ms. Sharayu Gitaram Dighe Member 9822960604
12. Dr. Pratibha Sopan Vikhe Member 7709336956
13. Ms. Swati Popat Kadu Member 7709051878

Women Empowerment, Prevention of Sexual Harassment, and Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee

The Internal Committee for Women Empowerment, Prevention of Sexual Harassment, and Anti-Sexual Harassment at ACS College, Satral, is constituted in accordance with 'The Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013'. In alignment with this Act, the Internal Compliants Committee also adheres to the Vishakha guidelines preceding this legislation, aiming to address sexual harassment issues in the workplace and ensure gender equality. The ICC is tasked with addressing Compliants of sexual harassment within the establishment and fostering awareness about the issue. The Act outlines the constitution of the committees and mandates a time-bound process for making Compliants and conducting inquiries.

Definition of Sexual Harassment:

Sexual harassment encompasses any unwelcome act or behavior, whether direct or implied, including:

  1. Physical contact and advances.
  2. Demands or requests for sexual favors.
  3. Making sexually colored remarks.
  4. Displaying pornography.
  5. Any unwelcome physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature.

Objectives of the Committee:

  • Providing a neutral, confidential, and supportive environment for those who may have experienced sexual harassment.
  • Advising complainants on resolution methods specified by the legislation.
  • Ensuring fair and timely resolution of Compliants.
  • Offering counseling and support services on campus.
  • Providing current and comprehensive materials on sexual harassment.
  • Promoting awareness through educational initiatives to foster a respectful and safe campus environment.

Achieving Goals:

  • Compliant Redressal: Taking appropriate action as per the Sexual Harassment Act upon receiving Compliants.
  • Dissemination of Information: Producing, distributing, and circulating materials to raise awareness.
  • Awareness Workshops: Conducting workshops for faculty, staff, and students to cultivate a non-threatening learning environment.
  • Counseling: Providing confidential counseling services to address the sensitive nature of sexual harassment cases.

Filing Complaints:

Any student, service provider, teaching, or non-teaching staff may lodge a Complaint against individuals falling within these categories.

Inquiry Process:

The Internal Compliant Committee conducts inquiries according to applicable Service Rules for the respondent. Depending on the respondent's status, provisions of relevant civil services or teacher statutes apply. For student respondents, inquiries follow Ordinance 157 regarding discipline and conduct maintenance.

Anti-ragging Committee: A.Y. 2023-24

S.N. Name of the Faculty / Staff Designation Contact
1. Prof. (Dr.) Prabhakar Manikrao Dongre Principal 8369831994
2. Dr. Deepak Narhari Gholap Committee Co-Ordinator 9922213119
3. Mr. Vardhaman Vilasrao Chormunge NGO Representative 9970068703
4. Adv. Balkrushna Bapuji Chormunge Local Citizen 9579103990
5. Mr. Subhash Namdev Dukre Parent Representative 9623041724
6. API Rahuri Police Station Police Representative 02426-232433
7. Mr. Suhas Gopalrao Vaidya Media Representative 9710251515
8. Dr. Amit Shivajirao Waghmare Teacher Representative 9850518810
9. Dr. Ram Shivaji Tambe Teacher Representative 9850982493
10. Dr. Jayashree Ramrao Singar Lady Teacher Representative 9860843187
11. Mrs. Chhaya Sharadchandra Karle Lady Teacher Representative 7020161177
12. Mr. Mahendra Shivaji Tambe Non-Teaching Representative 8459216206
13. Miss Priyanka Balasaheb Sambare Student Representative 7020825570
14. Mr. Dinkar Namdev Ghane Student Welfare Officer 9272348867

Ragging Definition:

Ragging encompasses any conduct by a student, whether through spoken or written words or actions, that involves teasing, treating, or handling a fresher or another student rudely. This behavior may include engaging in rowdy and undisciplined activities that cause annoyance, hardship, or physical or psychological harm to any fresher or student. Additionally, any action that affects the mental health and self-confidence of a fresher or another student, with or without the intent to derive sadistic pleasure, or to demonstrate power, authority, or superiority over them, is considered part of ragging. All such incidents fall under the purview of ragging.

Objectives of the Committee:

  • To raise awareness among students about the dehumanizing effects inherent in the perversity of ragging.
  • To maintain continuous surveillance and vigilance to prevent the occurrence and recurrence of ragging.
  • To rigorously and promptly address incidents of ragging reported to the committee.

Functions of the Committee:

  • To review complaints submitted by students, conduct investigations, and present reports to the Anti-Ragging Committee, including recommendations for appropriate penalties for offenders.
  • To supervise the process of obtaining undertakings from students in accordance with established provisions.
  • To organize workshops aimed at combating the menace of ragging and educating students.
  • To provide students with information regarding contact addresses and telephone numbers of designated individuals to receive complaints or distress calls.
  • To foster awareness among students regarding anti-ragging measures.
  • To implement all necessary measures for the prevention of ragging within the campus premises.

OBC Cell: A.Y. 2023-24

Name of the Faculty / Staff Designation Mobile No.
Prof. (Dr.) P.M. Dongre Chairman 8369831994
Ms. A. C. Salunke Coordinator 9139500997
Mr. D. N. Ghane Member 9272348867
Mr. A.G. Darandale Member 8830595700
Mr. M.E. Wani Member 9823355404
Mr. M.S. Tambe Member 9657115106
Mr. R.K. Pote Member 8421175250

The OBC Cell was established within the College with the primary objective of empowering OBC students. The Cell is dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment that embraces diversity and respects individuals regardless of their color, religious beliefs, or cultural backgrounds. Furthermore, the Cell is committed to ensuring the protection of all individuals and operating in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Constitution of India. Its establishment aims to assist students from OBC communities in integrating into the mainstream and achieving holistic development.


  • To facilitate equal educational opportunities for OBC students.
  • To assist OBC students in accessing financial support from governmental agencies and other relevant sources.
  • To raise awareness among OBC students about various scholarship schemes offered by the Central Government and the Government of Maharashtra.
  • To compile and disseminate reports and information regarding orders issued by the Government of Maharashtra and UGC concerning the education and employment of OBC students.
  • To promote various scholarship schemes initiated by both Central and State Governments and to keep the student body informed about any updates in this regard.

Functions and Activities:

  • To collect and disseminate reports and information regarding orders issued by the Government of Maharashtra and UGC concerning the education and employment of OBC students.
  • To promote various scholarship schemes initiated by both Central and State Governments and to keep the student body informed about any updates in this regard.
  • To collaborate with Programme Coordinators, Department Heads, and the Mentoring Council to identify OBC students who require special assistance, such as remedial classes and bridge courses, as well as those who are advanced learners and could benefit from additional attention and guidance.